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Independent Consultants Australia Network (ICAN)

GRDC herbicide behaviour workshops

Registration Form

Herbicide behaviour workshops for agronomists

GRDC supported workshops for agronomists on the science underpinning how herbicides work and its application to field practice.

These workshops will focus on the biological pathways and environmental factors that influence herbicide performance, along with interactions that may occur when products are mixed and will be delivered by ICAN Senior Consultant Mark Congreve.

Herbicide resistance is also changing product use. In many situations, products and mixtures that previously worked are now less effective.

Participants will leave with a better understanding of the key factors dictating herbicide performance and what can be done in the paddock to ensure weed control is maximised.

Knowing what weeds will be controlled from a herbicide application is the easy bit – it’s on the label.

More challenging questions include:

  • Why do herbicides perform or fail in some situations? How do environmental factors influence this?
  • What can happen when we tank mix?
  • Critical comments on the label. Why are they important?
  • How do adjuvants and water conditioning agents work? What should be used, when and why?
  • How does resistance affect different herbicides? What strategies can be used as resistance emerges?
  • How do residual herbicides work and what influences their breakdown?

Workshop outline

Day 1 - 8am start, 5pm finish
Morning session
How do herbicides work?
  • Modes of action & enzyme pathways
  • Herbicide resistance
Getting into the leaf
  • Leaf structure and herbicide entry
  • Water quality
  • Spray quality & impact on efficacy
  • Adjuvants
Translocation & herbicide metabolism
Afternoon session
Optimising key post-emergent modes of action
(products will be customised to local importance)
  • Group 1 (ACCase inhibitors)
  • Group 4 (growth regulators)
  • Group 9 (glyphosate)
  • Group 10 (glufosinate)
  • Group 14 (PPO inhibitors)
  • Group 27 (HPPD inhibitors)
  • Group 22 (paraquat)
Day 2, 8am start, 1pm finish
How do residual herbicides work?
  • Application / Getting to the soil
  • Soil texture (CEC) and soil moisture
  • Incorporation
Persistence / breakdown / plantbacks
Using residual herbicides early post-emergent
Discussion - key pre-emergent herbicides used locally.

Dates and locations:

None currently scheduled, to register interest in attending a workshop, please click on the button below.

Participant numbers are limited to ensure active participation and discussion.

Previous workshops have ‘sold-out’, so registration is essential to secure your place.

While the workshop content is targeted to experienced agronomists, interested growers are welcome to register.

Cost is $275 (GST inclusive) per workshop.
Workshops commence at 8am on day one and will finish by 1pm on day two.

If you would like to register multiple people from the same organisation, please contact us for a group booking. Ph: 02 9482 4930 or

Choose location you wish to attend

Total (inc GST) $ 

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