Independent Consultants Australia Network (ICAN)

ICAN Soils Workshops

| Soils information resources |


Soils resources

Slides from 'Measuring plant available soil water workshops'

Download Registration Form PDF Multi-dimensional digital soil mapping: Past, present and future research, John Triantafilis PowerPoint (7.5 Mb PDF)

Download Registration Form PDF Crop/Soil Water Use- Boolavilla, Rob Long PowerPoint (300 Kb PDF)

University of Sydney soils e-book (6.9Mb e-book)

This document is intended to be a resource to support learning the soil science knowledge necessary for sustainable grain production, as part of the teaching framework for in-service agricultural advisor education. As such its most basic format is an electronic document utilising extensive linking and referencing to component and external reference, instructive or illustrative material.

Soil parameters or properties considered in this document will be restricted to those commonly included in soil tests, documented in readily available source material and/ or accepted as common knowledge by industry operators.

This document is intended to serve as a reference for an issue based, locally focused, short course or modular style learning process (workshops). Scenarios relating to topics of significance to users will be used to identify key soil knowledge areas or techniques required for problem resolution or as examples of best practice.

Click on the image below to begin downloading the e-book.

Please note that this file requires an e-book reader to view the information. A good app for PC’s & MAC’s is ‘Calibre’ (

University of Sydney soils e-book